Thursday 15 March 2012


"Looking good sells"... "Clothes do look better on slim models than fat models, unless the model has hour-glass figure". Fashion models and celebrities have always been blamed by society (parents, teachers, media, politicians and even other models themselves) for encouraging anorexia. Let's face it, fashion magazines edit "flaws" from their pictures to the effect that most pictures appear to be air-brushed. There are studies which showed that males prefer females with 0.7 waist/hip ratio because it looks more attractive and sexy. So? Why can't we look the way we want? A lot of women have problems with their belly, breasts and figure and I feel we shouldn't be worried about how we look because we all look great!

Anorexia is an eating disorder, this disorder is thought to be common among people involved in activities where thinness is especially looked upon, such as modeling. It becomes a totally different scenario when it comes to anorexia, people can't be against skinny people because its a psychological disease and some people find it easier to be confident to cut down on food because of how they look.

Woolworths has recently come under five from consumers for an ad campaign for its Studio W range of clothing featured on models who look painfully thin. The brand's Facebook page, "Woolworths SA",was inundated with comments from folllowers calling the campaign "a terrible advert for your brand",and accusing it of promoting anorexia. It is sad that we have a very few anorexia campaigns in South Africa compared to the United States, because I feel it is a serious disease that needs to be given attention. It is about time we accept who we are and revel in it.

1 comment:

  1. Anorexic and Bulimic people are just insulting in the BMI scale
